Web hosting is one of the basic requirement for your software based startup business. There are a lot of choices for web hosting over the internet. But choosing the best and most appropriate for your startup business is a difficult task. Choosing best web hosting for startup is one of the decisions that may affect your startup’s future.
This article is all about selecting the best web hosting provider and choosing the most apt hosting plans.
Basic points to be considered for Startup web hosting choice.
- Requirement of your software product
Whether your software product works majority based on the server and web hosting. Or your product just requires small usage of web hosting and mostly works with local storage.
- Number of traffic in the initial stage
In the initial stage of your startup, you may not have a huge number of users or customers. So it is recommended not need of going for bigger hosting plans. Make the choice wisely. Slowly after getting more customers you can upgrade your hosting plans.
- Budget
The budget is always a problem for beginners. Everyone needs the best hosting and within the budget. So here you have to go for the best hosting provider. Making the right choice can help you get the best at the budget price.
Related: Bigrock NewYear 2017 Discount Coupens for Domains & Hosting
Best Web Hosting for Startup Business
Here is one of the best web hosting plan which is most suitable for your startup business. This very good hosting choice for your Web app or Android application etc.
ASmallOrange is one of the best web hosting providers. Their servers are located in the US. I have personally experienced their services. I’m using two of their hosting plans. For Startup beginners, they have a special affordable budget hosting plan call STARTUP BUSINESS PLAN
Startup Business Plan
Startup Business Plan is one one cheapest and best plans for business beginners. Pricing of this plan is $20 per month.
- Storage Space – 40 GB
- Bandwidth – 600 GB
- Free domain name
You can register a free domain name. No need to pay any price in renewing. It automatically gets renewed with the web hosting.
- Free SSL Certificate
You can make your website more secure for transactions. Installing SSL certificate can make your website https support.
- Regularly-scanned Servers
- PCI Compliant Servers
- 24/7 Email & Live Chat Support
ASO has a very active and supportive customer support team.
Buy Asmall Orange – Startup Business Hosting
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- Visit the link select the hosting plan.
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Asmallorage servers are very efficient. You can track the status of the ASO hosting here.
ASO is one of the most recommended hosting providers for the startup business. Buy your startup hosting and enjoy creating awesome apps and products.
Best web hosting plans for startups India, US hosting best choices for startup companies, best cheap hosting providers dedicated for startup beginners, special startup hosting discount plans.