Teach online and make money is one of the most trending ways of earning money. Everyone is trying to learn something online, so the demand for online courses are great. If you are a teacher or wish to teach online you can definitely give a try.
If you are an expert in something and you have great knowledge about it. Then you can easily create some videos and generate a course out of it. There are great online course platforms available in the internet which you can make use of. These platforms easily helps to create a your course and sell it.
You can create a brand of your own and sell the courses in the brand website. These online teaching platforms helps to easily build a learning platform in your brand name and website. So your students can easily purchase and get access to the recorded courses.
Here we are sharing the list of some best online course creating platforms.
1. Learnyst – https://www.learnyst.com/
It is very secure course creation platform. All your recorded videos are very safe and users wont be able to download it using any kind of softwares.
Custom domain name is supported.
2. Teachee – https://www.teachee.com/
Affiliate features for students.