Youtube Embed code from Video URL – PHP Generator
Youtube video url may not directly work in the embed widget code. Youtube Embed url and video url are different. The user input url in your WordPress or PHP web…

How to get ID from Youtube Video using PHP
Using PHP code you can easily extract video ID of any youtube video. You can feed the input as the youtube video url and it can be processed easily using…

How to take photo of full webpage
Have you ever wondered how you can take the photo of a full web page? while you can see only few parts of website limited by your screen’s viewport. Then…

How to Fix Bigrock Domain DNS Error – Name Servers Conflict
DNS refers to the Domain Name System. If you are a website admin sometime you may face DNS error on your site. The reason for this error can be related…

How to Preview or Stream Torrent Videos, Movies
Most internet users make use of torrents for downloading and watching their favourite media files. Videos, movies, musics are available in torrents for downloading. The quality and integrity of the…

Download Opera Neon Web Browser for Windows
Opera Neon Web Browser is concept browser by Opera. It is the newly released advanced web browser by Opera. This browser is featuring advanced features empowering the modern web browsing…

Best Web Hosting for Startup Company in 2017
Web hosting is one of the basic requirement for your software based startup business. There are a lot of choices for web hosting over the internet. But choosing the best and…

Quick GitHub and GitBash Basics for Beginners Tutorial
GitHub is the best platform for version control, collaborative works and code sharing. Coding beginners can practice using GitHub by pushing their everyday coding exercise works to the repository. For…

Flood your Newsfeed with Facebook Positive News Posts
Is your Facebook newsfeed flooded with negative news and useless junk posts? Then definitely you have to make necessary changes your Facebook newsfeed. Because lots of negative news being seen…