Reduce Video Size for Sharing on WhatsApp Web
How to compress the exported video for easy sharing on WhatsApp. Reduce the size of the video up to 50% without losing the quality and make it comfortable to share…

Create Multiple Youtube Channels in a Google Account
Youtube allows users to create multiple youtube channels under a Google account. Here are the steps for creating a second or another youtube channel in a google account. Relevance of…

JAT – JEBAL AL TAFANI TECHNICAL SERVICES has become a trusted name in delivering high-quality technical services across the UAE. Specializing in a wide range of engineering, maintenance, and contracting…

How to connect an external domain to NameCheap Hosting
Connecting a domain name to Namecheap hosting is very easy. Even if you have purchased your domain name from some external providers like GoDaddy.com, and Domain.com, you can easily point…

How to view Instagram Email id and Mobile Number
Email id and mobile number definitely have great importance when it comes to social media like Instagram. In case we want to reset our social media account or set a…

Fix: AliceBlue Missing – Tpin Authorize option – Solution
Alice blue is one of the popular trading platforms in India. In order to sell the stocks in holdings, users need to authorize by using the tpin. Recently authorize option…

How to accept international currency payments in India
International currency payments can be received in India very easily now. Freelancers and other online workers usually have the requirement of easily receiving payments in India. The payments will be…

How to Partition C Drive in Windows 11
Divide the C drive in the new windows 11 PC or Laptop into multiple drives D drive, E drive, etc. Shrink the C drive in the windows 11 operating system….

How to install an old version of Clubhouse
Downgrading Clubhouse by installing the older version of it is very task. All the older version apks of the clubhouse app is available on the internet. We need to download…